Share the light

Saying thank-you

The decision to write to your donor’s family is one that is deeply personal and follows no expected timeline. Many transplant recipients choose to reach out to their donor’s family to express their gratitude for making the heroic decision to save lies. Many recipients find that sharing their story with their donor’s family gives them a better understanding of the gift they received and helps them along their healing journey. Donor families are often genuinely interested in learning about their loved one’s recipients and learning more about the impact of their decision to donate life. After all, donation is often the silver lining in these families’ loss. Many donor families have shared that communicating with the recipients of their loved ones’ gifts has given them an even deeper understanding of the impact of their decision to save lives. We suggest that you please follow the guidelines below.

All correspondence is completely anonymous and identities are kept confidential unless both parties agree to reveal their identifying information.

Writing guidelines

Step One: Greeting

The donor name is confidential. please use the greeting “Dear donor family,”

Step Two: Body of Letter

We suggest to begin by expressing condolences on the death of their loved one and your gratitude for the gift of sight. Explain how a transplant changes your life ad hobbies you can now enjoy.

Step Three: Close

Sign your first name only. Please do not reveal your address, phone number email address or name of the physician.

Step Four: Send Letter

Please complete the enclosed postcard and place your card in an unsealed envelope. Place these items and the completed postcard into the envelope provided.

Two women hugging at a ceremony of life event

Sample letter

Along with the guidelines above, use the following editable form as a template to help craft a “thank you” message of your own. Feel free to go off script and speak from the heart, but this is a great place to start.

Mailing address

If you choose to write your “thank you” in the form of a card or letter, print out the form below and place both in an envelope addressed to:

Sierra Donor Services Eye Bank
3940 Industrial Blvd.
West Sacramento, CA 95691

Frequently asked questions

You may or may not hear from your donor family.

Some donor family members have said that writing about their loved one and their decision to donate helps in the grieving process. Other donor families, although comfortable with their decision to donate, prefer privacy and choose not to respond. Still, others may take several months or years before they feel comfortable responding.

Mother of Organ Recipient and the Director of Marketing and Development

Inspiring stories

If you’re unsure if you want to Share the Light, take it from those who have traveled this path before. Their insights may just give you the hope you need.