A one-of-a-kind alternative for natural tears.

Relief You Can Rely On


We work hand-in-hand with physicians to develop a solution specially tailored to meet each patient's dry eye needs.


We are the only eye bank that performs testing for contaminants on each batch of eye drops prior to shipping.


We have conducted a rigorous process validation, as well as implemented on-going quality controls to ensure each batch of VIDARIS therapy meets the highest quality standards.

Getting Started with VIDARIS


Begin the journey toward relieving your dry eye symptoms and living with less discomfort.


Learn how easy it is to prescribe VIDARIS for your patients using our local processing labs.

“I had cornea abrasions due to dry eyes and they were not responding to traditional treatment. Dry eyes were causing me pain and blurry vision. I tried many different drops, gels, ointments, and even an eye pillow. I simply was not getting better. Within two days of beginning using VIDARIS, the pain was gone.”

Bonnie D., VIDARIS patient

Frequently asked questions

The lab will draw approximately 100 mL of blood. For reference, when you donate blood, you give approximately 475 mL of blood.

Learn More About VIDARIS

Dive deeper into the science and benefits of a personalized solution.

Have additional questions?

Reach out to see if VIDARIS is right for you.