Our global impact

At Sierra Donor Services Eye Bank (SDSEB), we believe that every person in need deserves the Gift of Sight. In 2020, there were 12 million corneal disease cases worldwide that resulted in blindness or visual impairment – corneal transplants can help. Our nonprofit agency works with physician partners in the United States and around the world to fight treatable and preventable blindness by providing tissue for transplant.

In 2020, there were 12 million corneal disease cases worldwide that resulted in blindness or visual impairment – that can be reversed with corneal transplants.

Among our many humanitarian projects, we have worked with surgeons who have traveled to the Caribbean, South America, Central America, Asia, and Africa to support some very disadvantaged communities. The impact of these mission trips is substantial as this might be the only opportunity for some to receive any form of ophthalmic care. Many of these missions not only directly improve the lives of the patients being treated but involve training local nurses and physicians on procedures that can have a lasting impact on communities at large.

Since 2012, more than 600 corneal grafts were processed and transplanted to bring patients a better quality of life.

ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital

One of the leaders of the international effort to treat those suffering from corneal blindness is Dr. Mark J. Mannis, Medical Director for SDSEB. Dr. Mannis has traveled on multiple missions around the world as part of the ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital, an ophthalmic teaching hospital aboard an airplane. Flying Eye Hospital has traveled to over 95 countries, educating eye care professionals in communities around the world on a variety of topics, such as Mannis’ comprehensive skills exchange program aimed at strengthening the field of corneal surgery and raising awareness of eye care related conditions.

Mission: Honduras

Dr. Patricia Sierra is another leader of international effort who travels to Honduras to enhance lives with the Gift of Sight. Since 2012, more than 600 corneal grafts have been processed and transplanted to bring patients a better quality of life. SDSEB donated PKP, DALK, and DSAEK tissues to perform these transplants as well as tissue for teaching and wet labs with Honduran ophthalmology residents.

Our work isn’t over

SDSEB is proud to partner with leaders in ophthalmology that care about giving back to their communities and helping the disadvantaged all over the world, and we are so thankful to each and every one of our donors and their families for their crucial role in making our work possible. While we are thrilled to help those that we can, the need is still great. See below for ways you can help.

Get involved

Help us restore sight and impact the lives of even more people in need by considering joining the organ, eye, and tissue donor registration or making a financial contribution to fund our future missions and ophthalmic research.