Collaboration with NCLSA to provide VIDARIS to Veterans

We are proud to announce our collaboration with the Northern California Lions Sight Association, Inc. (NCLSA) to help fund our life-improving VIDARIS program to distribute autologous serum eye drops (ASED), to veterans in the Sacramento, CA area who cannot otherwise afford the drops. NCLSA’s one-year grant of $12,000 will make it possible for these veterans to avoid debilitating pain and potential loss of vision from severe dry eye, neurotrophic keratopathy and other corneal disorders.
“This grant will help us provide a one-of-a-kind alternative for natural tears to over 30 veterans, more importantly, ASED will give back their ability to drive, read and be active members of society.”
-Sam Ramos, Executive Director of the Sierra Eye Bank
ASED are a custom made and preservative-free eye drop produced from one’s own blood serum. Multiple studies have proven that ASED can be an effective treatment for patients suffering from severe dry eye, neurotrophic keratopathy, and other corneal epithelial disorders. Key components found in ASED include albumin, Vitamin A and epithelial growth factors that are important for healthy eyes.
To date, SDSEB has processed and distributed over 1,000 ASED prescriptions. Each batch of eye drops undergoes sterility testing, making our program unique, ensuring safety for our patients, and enabling us to meet our stringent quality requirements without a single failure due to contamination.
SDSEB’s and NCLSA’s common commitment to meeting the critical vision needs in our local community, started with NCLSA and the UC Davis Eye Center playing trail blazing roles in establishing the eye bank. NCLSA returns as an important and welcome partner in helping SDSEB to make ASED available to patients in need. For both SDSEB and NCLSA, the VIDARIS program reflects our shared vision.
Helen Keller once said, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision”.
-Lion Derek Ledda, NCLSA Former President